Oct 9, 2011

Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, Perkins' 14, and Blood Theatre

To make up for last week and my tardiness this week I decided to review three movies aka it was an accident. I hope you don't mind reading a little bit more than usual... then again what is usual?

"Attack of the 50 Foot Woman"

"Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" was made by writer Mark Hanna and director Nathan Juran in 1958. The only notable actress is Allison Hayes who, by the way, is quite stunning in this film.
 IMDB give it a 4.9 out of 10

"Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" is simply enough about a rich woman who is abused and cheated on by her scumbag husband. After she comes in contact with aliens and is then the victim of a murder attempt she transforms into a giant and goes after her husband and his girlfriend.
 Oddly enough, I really liked it. It has the classic 1950's Sci-Fi cheese feel about it (which I love). A simple plot a likable leading lady and a despicable leading man. What more could be asked for? It could have been better but I didn't complain during the whole thing (rare). The only thing I have to say about it is that it seemed that close to the end it was riding pretty closely to "King Kong" 's ending...

I give this movie a 6 out of 10. Overall a good movie for the folks out there who like me love their cheese.

"Perkins' 14"

"Perkins' 14" was made by the writer Lane Shadgett, director Craig singer, with the story by Jeremy Donaldson in 2009. No actors of note except for one but we'll get to that.
IMDB gives it a 5.2 out of 10.

The plot is that a man named Ronald Perkins' parents were killed in their while he was in the other room at the age of  6. Later he kidnaps children of the local town and turns them into zombie-like creatures who only wish to kill. That is what it should be about but instead some idiot thought that a police officer father obsessed with his son that was kidnapped by Perkins would be more interesting. In some cases it would have been but it wasn't handled well.
I honestly didn't know what was going on half the time in this movie. It was trying to be artsy but was failing, it was trying to be tense but failed, it was trying to have likable characters but only one was and he was a throwaway. All of the actors were bad at acting only two of them were notable, Perkins (who died way to early) And Officer # 2 aka Officer Weber (who died from a tragically fatal shoulder gunshot wound in a matter of seconds). Officer # 2 was awesome and he made the movie because of one line : "We have to get outta the lobby.". The Reason? He delivered that line like he just witnessed a normal boring day at the office when in fact a raging zombie had just smashed into the glass of the front door missing a bunch of characters we don't care about by a fraction of a second. Perkins succeeded in being really creepy I don't really know what the actor was trying to do with the role but he was doing it well.
I give this movie a 4.8 out of 10. 3.8 of that is from Officer #2.

"Blood Theatre" 

"Blood Theatre" was made by writer/ directer Rick Sloane in 1984. No notable actors.
IMDB gives it a 2.2 out of 10. Yeah it's that bad.

The plot (if there was one) is supposed to be about a theatre (surprised yet?) in which a mysterious old man kills people (all women) in strange ways (by knife every time).
There is no plot, the characters are annoying, it supposed to be funny but it's not, and there is not a single drop of blood in the whole thing. Creative killings? A woman is "popped" to death in a popcorn machine in a dream sequence.... Does it count? No.
I give it exactly 2.15555555555555555555591. It's pointless and annoying, I mean, the soundtrack was pretty cool in how bad it was but besides that it was just trying too hard.

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